NDIS Services
Disability Support (NDIS)
As a registered NDIS provider, Strive Community Care is driven by an overriding sense of compassion and wanting to provide children with quality and innovative supports.
Strive delivers an intensive therapeutic care approach to all its programs, supported by well trained, commiteed staff.
Supported Independent Living
Being able to live independently is a goal for many of us. For many, SIL services can make this dream a reality.
Strive is focussed on allowing young people with a disability to live their very best life, with control and the ability to make real decisions.
How can Stive’s SIL program help you?
Transition – helping you move from your current situation to an independent living arrangement, by making sure you have the skills you need and the right level of support.
Opportunities – quality therapeutic supports that will let realise the opportunities to pursue your very own goals and dreams.
Connection – helping you to find your place in the community, making new friends and developing your own networks.
Contact Strive today to find out how we can help you.